Setting a Default Output Mode in SQLite Using an Alias

Abenezer Belachew

Abenezer Belachew ยท June 15, 2024

2 min read

  • This probably doesn't need to be a post, but I want to document it so I don't forget and end up searching for a solution again.

  • The .mode dot-command in SQLite sets the output mode so that the query response is formatted in a specified way.

  • To see the list of available output modes, you can execute .mode followed by some random text:

sqlite> .mode karate
Error: mode should be one of: ascii box column csv html insert json line list markdown qbox quote table tabs tcl
  • The available output modes in my version of SQLite are: ascii, box, column, csv, html, insert, json, line, list, markdown, qbox, quote, table, tabs, and tcl.
  • Personally, I prefer the box output mode because it's easier to read the contents compared to other modes but I don't want to remember to type .mode box everytime I open a SQLite db.
sqlite>.mode box
sqlite> select * from shakespear limit 5;
โ”‚ Dataline โ”‚   Play   โ”‚ PlayerLinenumber โ”‚ ActSceneLine โ”‚    Player     โ”‚                          PlayerLine                          โ”‚
โ”‚ 1        โ”‚ Henry IV โ”‚                  โ”‚              โ”‚               โ”‚ ACT I                                                        โ”‚
โ”‚ 2        โ”‚ Henry IV โ”‚                  โ”‚              โ”‚               โ”‚ SCENE I. London. The palace.                                 โ”‚
โ”‚ 3        โ”‚ Henry IV โ”‚                  โ”‚              โ”‚               โ”‚ Enter KING HENRY, LORD JOHN OF LANCASTER, the EARL of WESTMO โ”‚
โ”‚          โ”‚          โ”‚                  โ”‚              โ”‚               โ”‚ RELAND, SIR WALTER BLUNT, and others                         โ”‚
โ”‚ 4        โ”‚ Henry IV โ”‚ 1                โ”‚ 1.1.1        โ”‚ KING HENRY IV โ”‚ So shaken as we are, so wan with care,                       โ”‚
โ”‚ 5        โ”‚ Henry IV โ”‚ 1                โ”‚ 1.1.2        โ”‚ KING HENRY IV โ”‚ Find we a time for frighted peace to pant,                   โ”‚

Anyways, instead of having to type .mode box every single time I open a SQLite db, I added the following alias to my shell profile:

alias sqlite='sqlite3 -cmd ".mode box"'

This alias sets the output mode to box automatically whenever I open a SQLite database.
