These are some of the projects I have worked on. Other projects can be found on my github account or stashed somewhere in my hard drive.
InactivePersonal Project was a webapp I made to help University of Alberta students find and upload course outlines easily. It also allowed...[Read More]

University of Alberta API (Unofficial)
InactivePersonal Project
Inspired by UWaterloo's API, I made a somewhat similar API for U of Alberta. I couldn't get as many endpoints as UWaterloo's beca...[Read More]

Youtube Playlist Analyzer
InactivePersonal Project
Using the Youtube Playlist API, this webapp calculates the time duration of a playlist at different speeds (1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, etc...[Read More]

Group Project
A crowdsourced book lending and borrowing platform. This was a group project for one of my software class. It is written in Java ...[Read More]

Pacslac-II Visualizer
Group Project
Pacslac (Pain Assessment Checklist for Seniors with Limited Ability to Communicate) checklists are used to screen for pain in olde...[Read More]

Personal Project
An Android app to track health information about the heart. I wrote it in Java and it uses SQLite as a database to store user generated...[Read More]

Personal Project
This cross-platform app written in React Native allows people to share food they might throw out with either food banks or people who n...[Read More]

Personal Project
Team media management webapp using React, NextJS, TailwindCSS and Typescript. It served as a no-code solution for teams to mana...[Read More]